Sarah Portrait


Back this time with the woman behind crochet company, OhSoStitchy. Sarah Leftault hand-knits and crochets blankets, coasters, hats, stuffed animals and anything else she wants! OhSoStitchy strives to provide beautifully hand-crafted products that make exceptional home goods and gifts that inspire happiness. OhSoStitchy is based in Glendale, Arizona and is owned and operated by boss babe, Sarah Leftault.


What inspired you to start your business?

When I first started dating my husband, I was just kind of dabbling in crochet. It was more of a hobby at that point and I was still honing my skill. I mentioned one day how cool it would be to start an Etsy shop and he just nonchalantly said, “Well, why don’t you?” Up until that point it had kind of been just a pipe dream and I never really thought of it as an attainable goal, but the way he was so casual about it made me realize that it was very much attainable.

What is the brand’s philosophy?

The philosophy of Oh So Stitchy is ‘Create happiness.’ I’ve always been a firm believer that somethings you have to create your own happiness in this world. It doesn’t always come to you in a neat little package. What I created Oh So Stitchy, I felt that I had found my own happiness by making things and I wanted to share that with the world. I like to believe that when people receive their handmade gifts, their heart is happy and that, in turn, makes me happy.

" Knitting and crochet are such a unique craft. You basically start with a pile of string and the sky’s the limit from there."

How long have you been designing and what led you to design?

I taught myself to crochet about twelve years ago, shortly after I graduated high school. I had received some knitting supplies when my grandmother passed away and struggled to learn how to knit, so I picked up crochet instead. It took me until just the past couple of years to really feel confident in my abilities and begin writing my own patterns and sharing those online.

What inspires your creativity when making a new piece?

I think about how people will feel receiving their gifts. If I don’t feel confident that the items, I’m making will make people smile, I have a hard time feeling good about it.

Why knitting/crochet? What is it that interests you? What do you enjoy most about the craft?

Knitting and crochet are such a unique craft. You basically start with a pile of string and the sky’s the limit from there. I can take a ball of yarn and turn it into anything my little heart desires. Plus, I am constantly learning new stitches and patterns. I’ve been at this for twelve years and I still find new techniques almost daily.

What challenges do you face in your work?  

My biggest challenge in my work is time. There is so much time and energy that goes into each and every item I make. I can spend hours working up just one item, so my time is spent mostly just making. It makes it difficult sometimes to keep up with the other aspects of running a business, but it all works out.

What has been the most surprising thing about running your own company?  

The most surprising thing about running a business would have to be staying motivated and not losing track of the goal. Running a business doesn’t happen overnight and it is so easy to lose the wind if you’re not seeing the results right away. I have spent the last year strictly working on Oh So Stitchy and it has been bumpy at times. But every second of it has been so memorable and so valuable as I continue to grow my business.

Who have been your biggest mentors in this industry and what is the best advice they have given you?

I can’t say I’ve really had an industry mentor. I have an amazing support system that is always boosting me up and encouraging me to pursue my dreams. When I decided to quit my day job and focus on Oh So Stitchy, I had so much support from my family and friends.

What advice do you have for other female-identified business owners?

Don’t give up and never discount your abilities. Everyone starts at the bottom and works their way up, so don’t think you’re not good enough because your talent doesn’t match what you see on Instagram yet. You will get there too.

Anything else you would like to share?

Daughters Market has been an amazing opportunity for Oh So Stitchy and I am just grateful to be a part of it. It’s amazing to see women building up and supporting women in this capacity.


Shop the OhSoStitchy Collection on Daughters Market!